If you are a regular blog follower and reader you have read many times about my passion and love for dance and heard about one very special lady, Mrs. Kathy Baker. For the past 4 years and some of my middle school dance career I danced under the direction of Mrs. Baker. The things that Mrs. Baker has taught me are things I hope to carry on with me for the rest of my life. I learned what it truly meant to be a team player, how hard you really have to work for it to be hard work, responsibility is important because you will not always have someone to take care of you, and promptness is key. On any given day I am usually about 10-15 minutes early to any event.. lol So below I share with you Mrs. Bakers answers to my Happiness project questionnaire
1. My name is Mary Katherine Baker, but my friends and family call me Kathy. I share my mom's first name as two Mary's in one house while I was growing up would have been confusing.
2. I love being the wife of Brian, mom of Christy and Steven, and Grammy of Madisyn, Chloe, and our future grandson (Reese, Knox, Nash, or Bennett- name not decided yet). I love being retired and playing tennis, attending women's bible study group, baking desserts, and playing with my new puppy whom Is training to become a service dog. Puppy Braxton makes me laugh every day. I was fortunate to have a career that I was very passionate about- teaching dance to phenomenal young women. Nothing better than assisting a group of young women to bond, form goals, and work to meet their challenges and goals.
3. I love music so much that I have a lot of favorite songs. Currently I have been jelling to All Of Me by John Legend, along with Happy, and Timber. I love just about anything from Journey or Bon Jovi, but Barry White's Your My First, My Last, My Everything, always gets me.
4. Besides my God, parents or husband, I have been so influenced by Ernest Oliver Hebson. I was fortunate to have him teach me from 7th-12th grade. He took 70 7th-10th grade kids who knew very little about music and developed an award winning band program of over 300 kids
by the time I graduated. He was demanding, had high expectations for us, and never let us doubt that we couldn't be the best. I think a lot of my teaching style came from him. His HS band has had the opportunity to march in the Macy Day Parade, Orange Parade, Rose Parade, Governor's and Presidential inauguration parades as well as several international invitations. While he taught us to work hard to be the best, he just expected us to do our best and to be responsible to each other.
5. Talk is cheap!
If you want a friend , be a friend first!
Act enthusiastic and you'll be enthusiastic.
I realize you have heard all of these, and they are pretty basic, but I really do believe them.
Ralph Emerson is a little more poetic with "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
6. Spending time with my family makes me happy. I also love watching a student develop their potential, especially when they didn't realize that they could make their accomplishment.
7. We are not made to go through life by ourselves. Trust in God to lead you and be sure to make sincere relationships. I would also recommend that young adults realize that the world does not revolve completely around them. Get out and do something for others. We benefit from helping others.
Good luck with your 20 before 20! Be sure to keep in touch as I love hearing about your adventures! Don't forget , I'll be expecting an invitation to your inauguration when you win your first election. You are just the woman to do it, even if your it (goal) changes. Love you girl!
Mrs. B
Wherever life takes me I pray this amazing lady always is a part of it! Happy hump day everyone hope you are having an amazing day and doing big things!
Wherever life takes me I pray this amazing lady always is a part of it! Happy hump day everyone hope you are having an amazing day and doing big things!