Holy smokes it's already Thursday and tomorrow starts SB2K14 part 2 for me. This Sunday I leave with family along with family friends for a week of pure bliss to the lovely Costa Rica. I am beyond excited to zip line and hopefully catch a fishing trip along with so many other great things! Before I do that though I have so much school work to accomplish and what feels like so little time. I have sat down though and prepared a list of things (I am a list person.. I make need to do's, should do's, and could do's list all day long.) that I need to do to prepare for a successful week. These are tips you can us whether you are in college or in high school. I don't discriminate! So below are my tips!!
1. No multitasking: Put that darn phone away. Yeah that probably sounds super hypocritical coming out of mouth and as I post this blog. I did this in my break time though which will come later in the list. These phones though seem to bring all kinds of distractions. Whether its Facebook, Instagram, or SnapChat we find ourselves giving hours to these apps. I find that when I put my phone down I get more down and spend more time focused on my work.
2. Study for long periods of time: No I am not suggesting you go pop some addy and study for 12 days strait. I am saying study for at least an hour. When we study in short cram sessions our brains tend not to retain as much information.
3. Start at least 3 nights before exam: You should get a good head start so you have more time to retain and really learn the test material!
4. Make the info sticky: Make flash cards whether they be on paper, quizlet, or study blue for easier mobility make a way to have access to study material at any time of the day.
5.Stay out of that bed: DONT STUDY IN BED.. We accomplish nothing when we get cozy in that bed. Stay out, go find a desk or study room somewhere quiet that you can accomplish big things in.
6. Prepare: Prepare yourself for anything. Make sure you truly understand all the material. Be so prepared you could do the whole test in essay form if you had to.
7. Stay Calm: make sure to stay calm and relax. Getting stressed instead of preparing will do you no good. Take little breaks while studying to go take a walk or check that phone that you put away.
I hope these tips help you as much as they have helped me this week! Prayers would be greatly appreciated today for my test and I wish you all the most blessed and happy Thursday!
I hope you had a wonderful time on spring break!